Sunday afternoon. The situation at this point was that I had now come out of my quandary of wondering whether Dude should be cowboyed into behaving: NO. Yet, I had not been able to saddle him on my own since the broken foot. Katharine had come Sunday morning, but we couldn't use Dude because his hackamore was left in the stock trailer which was locked up miles away. He can't take a bit. Katharine says his tongue was cut by some previous owner/trainer!! So, I rode poor old Matt who had been trailered half the day and night and chasing cows in between. I just walked Matt and worked on my seat, steering, half-half and halt. My daughter had spent the night with Vicky and her kids. Pedro called and said we were taking all the kids to the park arena and he was coming to load Matt and Dude. No problem, as Dude had loaded fine for Lexie and me the day before. Sure enough, he loaded for feed for Pedro and me. Here is my last installation of SHAME: Why, in gods name would I listen to this idea? I cannot tell you. Dude was all content and quiet in the trailer so Pedro says why don't you try saddling him in the trailer where he can't move away. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!! I know my horse. I know how he is. I also know how dangerous trailers are. I should have known better. I will not go against what I think again! But I did on Sunday. Dude marched a little when I put the schooling pad and saddle on. When I touched the girth he blew up and tried his damnedest to escape the metal trailer. He hit his head and knocked skin off his face. He was utterly and completely panicked. We were lucky to get him out of the trailer at all after that. I made everyone get away from me and Dude. I brideled him and saddled him, letting him walk in his little cirlce. It was much easier to do using my dressage saddle with the long billets. He was very calm, considering what we did to him in the trailer. I think he beaned himself so hard he was half knocked out. Poor, poor boy. I lead him into the arena and he was going to walk around, but then he stood still for me to mount. By some miracle of god I had gotten the girth tight enough to be able to mount from the ground without help. We had a lovely walk, trot around the huge arena several times. Dude was sweaty to the point of a lather. We trotted around barrels, which he seems to know. We worked the flag that simulates a cow, which aggravated him (he started backing up). We trotted barrels some more to end on a fun note. I thought Dude would be worn out after all of this. Pedro said he wasn't tired at all. Whatever. When I got off I saw that Dude had scraped a big chunk out of his "star" on his face. I mean 2 inch square of hair is GONE! I didn't realize that until I got off. It wasn't bleeding. There's a little scab on part of the missing hair. I feel like @#%$. Dude did not, of course, want to get back in the trailer. Would you? I didn't want to whip him. Pedro was standing behind him. I don't know what he did, but Dude got in. I didn't have any other way to get Dude home again, but that is the last time I let Pedro do anything or give me any ideas. After all of that, on the way home, Pedro was talking about hobbling him!! WTF? NO WAY!!
I want to put this down so I will remember to abide by it. Dude is my horse and I know Dude. Dude has only me to trust to not let harm come to him. I will use my own methods to get him bridled and saddled and ridden and loaded. If he doesn't get to go to the park or on trail rides, too bad. It is not worth forcing him. If I am in a position where he has to be rushed or forced, I will just let it go till the next time. I will be patient. I will not listen to any harebrained schemes of Pedro's. If Dude has to be left behind, I will happily watch my daughter ride Matt and I will work with Dude when I have time and I'm in the right frame of mind. Period. Stay tuned for more on Dude. He is a wonderful horse who deserves some time and patience.
Thursday Pictures
2 days ago