Monday, November 19, 2007

A Good Trail Ride

Saturday, we had 6 kids and 4 adults over at the house, counting me and mine, and 2 extra horses, Dreamer and Badger. The kids all rode Matt, Dreamer and Badger double and everything else they wanted to do (Matt now has shoes on all 4 feet, pretty!!). When the kids went off to jump on the trampoline (that was a really good investment, by the way!) we adults got ready to go on a little trail ride. My boyfriend hung out with me, with Matt, while everyone else got well out of the way as they are now "trained" to do when I work with Dude (LOL). Dude bridled perfectly on the second try, circled slowely while I did the girth and stopped periodically for a carrot. I think I have inadvertently trained Dude to circle for a carrot reward (Doh!). Then, I got ready to mount and he stood still the first time!!! I was so stunned I just stood there waiting for him to try to move for a moment. I guess he knew he was "done for" since Matt and the others were saddled up and ready to go. He knew there was no use fighting. Also, when we went down the road a ways, I thought he might have picked up a rock so I got off and picked his hooves. He stood still for me to get back on on the side of the road, too.

Dude has the sweetest little trail trot when we trail ride. I just am loving him and am so glad we did not give up. All the horses behaved really well and didn't balk or act up even when dogs ran out to the road to bark at us.

Yay for Dude and for all the support I have gotten on here.

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