It is finally drying up around here. I haven't gotten the 2-wheel drive truck stuck in at least a week!
Saturday morning I decided to start trailer loading practice with Dude in the new trailer. I hitched up the trailer, took down the butt bar and opened the back door (no wind - yay). A glance at the pasture proved amusing as Matt's back end could be seen headed for the back fence. Haha, old man, its not your day, today! Even Dude was a little wary of being caught, having observed trailer hitching.
I got Dude haltered and put on the good lead rope wearing my gloves. I had a pocket full of carrots and a bucket with a little sweet feed. Dude came right to the trailer, ate from the bucket on the floor and surpisingly readily, got in for the bucket when it was on the manger. But when he stuck his head in the manger area, it was too much of a dark hole and he backed out fast (too fast).
I praised him lavishly and he got in again. This time he stood and ate the feed. He seemed calm so I began desensitizing him. I said, "Dude, while you're in here, something might touch your ears." I touched his ears -- no problem. "Dude, while you're in here there might be noises." I banged on the manger -- no reaction, I stomped on the floor -- no reaction, I banged on the ceiling -- no reaction, I banged on the sides -- no reaction, I touched his sides -- no reaction. I praised him after each little test. He finished his food and backed out REALLY fast (still way too fast). I praised him for being brave and turned him out to eat rye grass in the front yard.
Next time, I plan to swing the butt bar closed (but so that it can be pushed out of the way if he backs) to see if that freaks him out. It may take a few weeks, but I think I can get him to load. I want to be able to take him to some places with trails!
My daughter and I had a good ride out on Dude and Matt on Sunday. Dude also knows the word, "faster." We were sneaking down this lane that has a "no trespassing sign. I was behind my daughter and I stage whispered to her "Go faster." Dude instantly picked up a trot.
When we got into an open field my daughter wanted to canter, so she did. Dude wanted to follow and got excited. He put his head down and bucked a little. I kept him at a walk and made him do tight cirlces in each direction. He has the bendiest neck! He got the idea he has to behave with me, somewhat. He jumped the first ditch after that with GUSTO. Considering the landing was on the paved road, I was freaking a little, but he then walked on as if to say, "You wanted a jump, I gave you a jump... beotch."
Remember I told you that Dude knows a lot of words in English? This ride, we passed the place with lots of horses again. Dude balked and would not move past there onto the path through the woods. Somebody must be in heat again. Every time I would try to make him go, he would back up, including backing up in a circle. I swear he's some kind of reining horse. I tried talking mean to him, my daughter swatted his behind (against my better judgment) and we tried getting him to follow Matt. I finally got off and led him. I knew he might run off (toward the mare who was across a big canal), but after trying and trying it was my last resort. When we got down the trail a little ways, I got my daughter to block the retreat with Matt's body and remounted. Sure enough, Dude would have whirled and headed right back if not for Matt.
As we stood all balked in the path, I said something to my daughter about going home. At the word "home" both horses sprang to attention, lined up perfectly straight beside each other facing the path and awaited the signal to move out. I've never seen anything like it! We had some more cantering and "happy bucks" and head shaking, even though I am giving him plenty of rein, I think. I'm going to have Katherine out to check me again, soon. If she says its not me, I'll get the vet to check him. I worked on balance and trotting and Dude and I are going much better at the trot. My posting is much better, not whumping and bouncing and I'm reaquiring a sitting trot. I would trot ahead for awhile and then my daughter would canter up to catch us. She likes to get on Matt and run and run. Matt's in better shape than Dude because she rides him more -- she had a show and then a 3-day camp last week. One more time we were looking for a short cut that dead-ended. The horses didn't want to turn around, so I tested the "home" word again. Again, it worked like magic to get them going. Thank goodness for older, well trained, if spoiled, horses!
P.S. Matt is trailering a whole lot better, now. He now realizes resistance is futile. I think he likes the new trailer a lot better. Going to the show, he got in pretty quick with the long rope trick. Coming home from the show he bout trampled me to get IN the trailer (LOL). Going to camp I barely had to work the long rope to get him in. Coming home from camp he got right in! He just didn't like the old trailer and I can't really blame him. Now that he knows the new trailer is better, he's pretty willing to get in, just doesn't like to leave Dude. He also knows now that all he has to do when he goes somewhere is carry my daughter and he seems to like that just fine.
Thursday Pictures
2 days ago