Monday, April 28, 2008

Re-test for Herd Position Day

Didn't get to ride this weekend because I have the painful crick in my neck from hell. I mean the can't sleep at night because of the pain kind of thing. Doc only gave me NSAIDS and Flexeril, so no narcotic fun for me. Anyway, it stormed bad yesterday and really rained hard. Dude was eating and I was getting his other bucket to fill it with hay for him. As I passed behind, Dude raised a cranky foot at me! Already past him, I swatted his ass and fussed, "Don't kick Momma!" before I knew what I was doing. As I stood there, he lifted the near foot crankily, so I touched it with the toe of my boot and said "No!" He was not swishing flies, he was giving me "get away" signals. I didn't let him get away with it. What was it, test our place in the herd day? Oh, I know what it is, my daughter fed them for me several times over the weekend, so it WAS re-test for herd position day. I read somewhere that leaders (animals) are swift and decisive. If I had been thinking (and awake) I probably wouldn't have swatted Dude's ass that fast. I was surprised, because I'm watchful for getting kicked, but he hasn't done that to me ever or since I can remember.

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