Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dude Wears a Western Saddle

I ordered an Abetta (sythetic) Western saddle so that I can start getting ready for barrel and pole lessons on Dude. Yesterday, I put it on him. At first, I thought I will never get a "Texas T" done with him going around in circles, but I also worked on communicating to him to stand still for the carrot, not circle for the carrot. Once I got the saddle where it wasn't slipping, I would just put my hand on the girth and say whoa and wait for him to stop. Then I would give the carrot reward. He's so funny snuffling my pocket. I couldn't believe I actually got the saddle on tight!. I used the mounting block to get on. Had a hell of a time getting my stirrups -- don't like those plastic ones as they don't fall into position like my English irons do. Also, the stirrups felt weirdly far back on the saddle. And they were too long, of course. I went around the block with my daughter barebacking on Matt, anyway. Of course, every dog in the neighborhood was on run out and bark in the horses's FACES mode. Sheesh! Thank goodness Dude's quirks don't include being spooky around dogs. He startled in place when a man yelled at the dogs in a mean voice. Poor Dudey wouldn't like it at the shows where that nasty Russ Mixon is yelling at horses in the warm-up. Luckliy the nasty man goes home after front end is over. That's when we arrive, these days. But, I digress. After a trip around the blockm I got off and adjusted the stirrups -- he thought I was taking the saddle off so had no reaction to all of that. LOL. I rode him around the yeard, some, but he is SO HERD BOUND to Matt, that he balked completely when he saw Matt getting to loaf around and eat. I had to get my daughter to put a halter and lead on Matt and trot him around the yard with us. I didn't feel confident having a confrontation with Dude in that Western saddle. I need a few more miles in it before I feel comfortable. It is a big change from my Wintec all purpose. My balance is all different. I didn't feel funny riding Matt in a Western, but I expect him to feel different. I've gotten comfortable on Dude in the English saddle. BTW, Matty and my daughter were in all the speed events Saturday night and it was a hoot. They got 6th place in novice barrels. My daughter was thrilled. I rode Matt around the grounds some and that was fun. I love riding Matt. He's the "smoothiest!" I trotted with no stirrups on him.

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