Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dude has Improved after Chiro

I didn't get a chance to work with Dude on Saturday. We were dodging thunderstorms to get ready for the show. Lightening struck a tree in the horse pen!! Thank GOD the horses were in the front yard b/c I was trying to keep Matt clean after his bath. There were exploded pieces of tree everywhere. I've never been so close to such a thing! At the show, I have to mention that Matt has settled into the local show grounds with marked improvement. He was so quiet and docile I was afraid he was sick or something until I realized he was just calm. LOL. No ribbons, but fun was had!! I finally got around to riding Dude yesterday and was anxious to see whether he showed improvement. For saddling, he was wary as expected. I got him girthed on the first try and he stood pretty still for tightening. He continued to demand his carrot at intervals which I will phase out eventually. The best improvement was mounting. Usually, he starts walking as soon as you mount, but yesterday, he turned a little circle and stopped. I had to get off to open a gate and when I remounted he stood perfectly still. He has never done that before!! We walked and trotted around the back pasture, but I was too chicken to canter back there as the ground is brick hard. He seemed to me to be discovering that he was in less pain, although he kind of "bent" and tried to stop like he does at the canter sometimes. He probably needs to work on his flexibility. We went out on the road and made the block. He was moving more and more freely at the walk and trotted nice and straight. I didn't want to trot him too much on the pavement as its hard on the legs, I'm sure. My plan is to work him and myself into shape by riding more often. Hopefully, on Wednesday, I can take him to the sand arena and try the canter. I don't want to get dumped on the hard ground and I'm chicken to try the canter on the trail because if he IS feeling much better he might take off! I have a big phobia about being bolted with that comes from the horrible roan mare I had as a kid. I have made a point of unsaddling him in an open area that is unobstructed so if he does run, hopefully it will be to the open area and not under anything!!

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