Wasn't home last night until late -- got them fed and a blanket on Matt (it went down into the 40's and felt damp). Tonight, it was dark when I got home, but I did Matt's feet (picked and applied
hooflex to fronts). I had put some baby carrot pieces in my pocket, so I worked on getting Dude to let me hold his head and put my hand on his nose. I stood beside him and just scratched and petted and rubbed his nose. I gave him carrots when he was still and when he was not trying to snuffle my hand or pocket. He tried to back up a little, but I just stepped back and stayed with him. Gradually, I touched his snout with the halter. He nodded and tried to get it off. He got a carrot piece when he got still. I felt the carrots running out so I went for the big finish and put the halter on and buckled it. He is usually pretty good about this, but I want him to be good 100%. He got the last carrot and lots of scratching in his favorite itch spot under his jaw. When I reached up to take it off, I must have been talking and had a "finished" tone in my voice because he was perfectly still for the removal. He got more
pettings and scratchings for that. He was so sweet at some points during the session he was almost resting his neck on my shoulder and completely relaxing. I just want to work on small increments to get his trust completely. I hope that was enough. Lord knows we need more days like this without any drama!
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