Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Settling In

Here's a pic of my daughter riding Matt in barrels at the local show.

People advised me that it generally takes about a week for horses to adjust to a new place. We've had our horses a month, now, and I can see that it has taken them this long to start to settle in. Of course, they are older and were previously in one place for a decade, at least. I can see in their dispositions now that they are calming down and settling in. Of course, not having the periodic "cowboy" episodes is certainly helping Dude, also. I feel he is starting to bond with me. Matt likes me okay, but that's because I discovered he loves a hip/butt massage. LOL.


Redsmom said...

Pilgrim3 said:

whoever told you a week was being VERY optimistic, imo. sure, there are horses out there who are less affected, but some of the more sensitive personalities can actually take MONTHS to truly feel 110% at home. my friend had an arab like this... he had so much anxiety about moving barns, it was unreal.

the 'getting to know you in a new home' stage takes time. it is an awesome journey that can be very rewarding. you're doing very well. don't sweat it so much.

Redsmom said...

Just a Pony said: I love your log! Sounds like things are getting better. This reminds me of when I got my sport pony several years ago. He was free because he had apparently tried to kill some kid. I'm a bleeding heart, took him sight unseen (they were talking about meat market). First time I tried to bridle him I went flying across the barn! Five years later, he is an angel. I'd say the first year was the tough part. Good Luck!