Thursday, November 1, 2007

Good Advice and Better Judgment

Pedro called me awhile ago. In the conversation he asked me about Dude. Then, he started saying "But wouldn't you like to be able to just let him stand there and saddle him and not worry about all of that?" I replied that I WILL be able to get him to stand still to saddle and bridle, MY WAY. I offered to bet him money that I can do it. He declined. Called his bluff. LOL. It might take me a year, but I don't think it will take me that long, but I will get Dude settled down and trusting me. It will happen because I will keep researching and trying new things and keep repeating old things until we get there. My question is, and it is rhetorical, how can Pedro, after observing that his efforts have not improved Dude and, in fact, have probably caused him to regress in his reactions, still blindly think that his methods will work on THIS HORSE? I'm sure they must work on some horses, or they wouldn't be used, but Natrlhorse was right when she said the cowboys will try their methods and when these don't work will say the horse is no good and to sell him. I was proud I had the right answer at hand to respond to Pedro. I will get Dude to behave properly, if it takes me years. But I don't think it will take more than a few months. I will keep trying no matter what.


Redsmom said...

4H&H Said:

The absolute worst horse trainers are those who refuse to try different methods if one doesn't work.

I've said it before... you can get something from EVERY SINGLE trainer out there. I've learned things from trainers from Cherry Hill, Sally um... (she wrote the Centered Riding book), Mary Twelveponies, Craig Cameron, John Lyons (my #1 favorite), Clinton Anderson, and even (as much as I hate to admit) from PonyBoy, Parelli and Monty Roberts. Although, I only remember learning one thing from PonyBoy, and it was that the best way to learn to ride a straight line was to perfect turns. Mostly I learned what I do not want to do from Monty Roberts, PonyBoy and Parelli.

I have to say that I've been to see Monty Roberts twice. The thing that least impressed me about him was his request for total and absolute SILENCE and STILLNESS when he was working with a horse. He even got mad in a huge civic center when someone up near the top got up to go out (bathroom, maybe?). Granted, I would prefer few distractions the first time I get UP on a horse (you don't really want that to be the first time they see a low-flying, loud crop-duster airplane go over their heads), but if you are working a horse in a round pen, I think that your training method ought to be able to work around (and even incorporate) distractions.

Books, books, videos, and more books. Nothing you read can hurt, unless you are too stupid (redsmom, that is not directed at you) to realize that somethings are NOT GOOD. Until you've tried everything safe once, you really shouldn't say the horse is untrainable or bad.

Good luck to you with Dude!

Redsmom said...

Susan in Idaho said:

good for you for believing in yourself and calling Pedro's bluff. I agree, if something doesn't work it would be pointless to keep doing it. Books and videos are a great resource, along with your own good sense of the horse. What I have had the most trouble with in reading other trainers' books is the imprecise language. For example - Parelli, "squeeze with all your cheeks" to get a horse to increase its pace. Huh? Anyway, I've enjoyed reading your blog. From your postings, I'm learning ways to deal with similar issues.

Redsmom said...

4horses and Susan, thanks for reading this and encouraging me. I feel my confidence returning. One thing I did yesterday, which I have been meaning to do, is call a vet to come out and check both boys. I'm more concerned about Matt as he has been stiff and gimpmy, hollowed out and ears back. Mar, from whom I bought them, looked blank when I asked her when they last had their teeth floated. Matt drops a lot of food when he eats. Dude chews funny - side to side. Plus, Dude needs his sheath cleaned. If I can get the vet to do it that would be great!!

And, oh joy of joys, its worming day today. Dude did better than Matt last time. Wish me luck