Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bit Problems

Pics 1 and 2 = Dude today in the western bit. Pic 3 is from week before last and is just too cute because Dude wants to come inside the back door. "I can has inside please?"

Wow, what a fight we had getting the bit on this morning. The show is cancelled due to arena conditions (too wet), so, I decided we better start getting us in shape for the next round of shows with some jogging around. Dude's topline is sad looking from standing around getting fat for weeks. I just wanted to tak up and do about 30 minutes of jogging around. It took about an hour to get tacked up! I couldn't get the English bridle on because of the noseband. Dude kept nodding and nodding and avoiding the bit. He really pissed me off, but good. So I came in, cooled off and got the western one I had put together with Ella's old show bit. It was easier to put on with the curb chain undone. The only thing I can say is persistance and patience pays off, eventually, with Dude. He did better saddling than usual. I turn around and ignore him when he's moving around, then reward him with carrots when he stands still. He's learning he has to stand still for the carrot. Mounting was no problem. My daughter finally got up and wandered outside. She said she'd go if she could ride bareback which was fine. We went around the subdivision block twice, alternately jogging and walking. I couldn't beleive they didn't balk when we passed the house and kept going.

Nothing feels better than after a ride when the horses are washed and I've showered and had something to eat. I'm off to nap and be glad I don't have to go to the show. Its too bad because I had everything packed up last night including having the drinks iced down and ice chest loaded! I had to unload everything this morning before it got hot.

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