Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Training Day

We practiced staying tied to a tree, today. Poor tree got some bark bitten off, but not too violently, more out of boredom. He also tried to untie it repeatedly and to rub it off his head. Ha ha on you Dude, rope halter. He didn't try to violently pull, but he got the slack out of the rope and reached the grass once. I went and tied him back up. I had Matt cross tied nearby for comfort. After about 10 minutes, when he was being "good", I let him loose.

Today, we fought about the bit, some. I put the (Western) bridle on 3 times and took it off twice before I left it on to start saddling. After the first time, he ran off and acted like a wild thing, but he came back to me (for carrots -- I cheated a little). It got a little easier to get the bit in each time. Saddling was about the same as usual, except I put it on and took it off an extra time before I left it on. I was feeling patient despite the sweltering heat -- it was overcast and humid today, so not burning hot.

I had set up my 2 cones and the trash can in places in the yard to do a varying pattern around. No problem about mounting. I tied Matt to the trailer so he would be nearby. I walked different patterns and then made Dude trot, which he did not want to do. He really resented me making him work those tight turns. It was all at a sitting trot, because I needed to regain some coordination at using my legs. I had the long Western reins on so I mostly used my legs and seat for the "patterns." Dude shook his head and lurched to the side a couple of times. I popped his neck with my hand, fussed at him and made him keep working. I made him do things he didn't want to do. His halts were excellent - he stopped on a dime on "ho" because he is so fat and lazy (like his rider). I made him back up, too as he is so good at it. He tried to balk at one spot and I popped him with my hand and made him go forward. I jerked the reins a little hard (for me, not mouth damaging hard)when he wouldn't turn. I.e., we're working on respect and getting some. I'm shooting for being able to tie, tack and steer at the upcoming show.

When I untied Matt from the trailer he went nuts and acted like a total jackass! I wouldn't let go of the lead rope, though. He flopped out like a trout and then longed himself around me countless times before I could finally pull him in and get him to whoa. I don't know what was going on with him, but I put a loop on his nose and played lead line around with him making him whoa and back up for awhile before I let him go. The "boys" were really trying me today, but I made them behave and work. I'm tired. Bed soon!


nccatnip said...

I bought some cones to start doing some type of patterns on Reddi and Blue- got kinda tired wandering aimlessly around. So far have been too busy to get them out.
Do you have some guidance in the form of books or a trainer giving you advice? I have had no luck so far.

Redsmom said...

Dear Catnip, I've been reading and getting a lot of inspiration from the blogs I have listed in my blog links list; especially Mugwumps and the one entitled something like Better Communications between Horse and Rider. Both of these ladies are trainers and have lots of great ideas.