Friday, August 8, 2008

Loving Matty

Every morning and every night, unless given an occasional respite by my daughter, I take Matt (age 22) out of the pen so he can eat undisturbed. In September last year he came, with Dude, to live at our house. My daughter would love and hug on him and go on about he sweet he is and I would think she was deluded. At first he seemed cold and stand-offish and he still has his grumpy old man moments, but I tell you that lately, I've begun to love Matty. He used to be kind of checked out and tuned out -- after being a lesson horse for 10 or 12 years, people meant "work." But, a few months ago, I started to just be easier with him. Instead of trying to make him do things, I kind of give him a minute to think about it. Now, he goes to his pen when he's finished eating, except sometimes, like last night, he decides to mess with me and play chase. Not fast, just enough to make me laugh and come after him. And now, he stops and puts his head on my shoulder to "hug" me goodnight before he goes back into the pen. It makes my heart melt. He's learning to be a pet. He knows he's loved.

Dude was all sweet last night, too. I wanted to pick his hooves and he wanted to act like he's never had his back hooves touched before in his life. But, he would stand and let me pet him and love on him and try to talk him into giving me his back hooves for the longest time. I had to get firm with him because he stepped towards me when I went for his right rear. I repeatedly made him step over the other way at the hip and at the shoulder until he got my point. Never did get that hoof. Tomorrow will be another day when he will stand like a gentleman and I will wonder where the scaredy boy went. What a nutter.

1 comment:

nccatnip said...

Don't ya just love when they learn they can let their personality come out? Reddi was like that- 12 years of pasture only out to work or get her feet done. No treats or being a pet. Now she has evolved to quite the star of her own show!!! She has her own fan club and cannot believe anyone would come to visit anyone but her.