Sunday, August 17, 2008

Triumph in Saddling!!!!!

Today I saddled Dude tied to the tree in his rope halter. He moved toward me a little, but, we did a "dance" where I messed with him, going toward his girth and then stepping away several times and laughing like it was a game. He finally stood still and let me grab the girth from underneath. He moved around a little more for tightening, but not too badly. I just took my time and let him adjust to each step. Matt stood by, faithfully ... sleeping. Bridling was easy. He likes his new bridle (and carrots keep coming for these "new" accomplishments). We had a good ride, but Dude wouldn't pick up a canter following Matt. He, rather, beat me up with a blazing, bone jarring trot from hell. We had a good day, though.

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