Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dude Gives a Pony Ride

Its been mostly nasty and cold. The day after Thanksgiving the kids (mine and R's) talked me into saddling up for them. I saddled Matt and my daughter was teaching R's son to jump on him. Dude was still standing around in his blanket. I put a halter on Dude and hoisted up R's 8-year old daughter to get a pony ride. Dude's face was PRICELESS. He had the same look on his face that he does when he knows I've got carrots, like "I'm a good boy?!" He carried his head low and moved ever so carefully. I led him over our homemade "jump" at a walk and let Livvy pretend she was learning to jump, too. Dude barely picked up his feet over the crossed broom sticks. He went patiently around and around carrying Livvy, although he got sour on the "jump" pretty quickly. What a love he can be sometimes.


Redsmom said...

Grassland Farm said: He's a good boy! Carrying his head low for the ride...

Do you lead him over posts so that he has to step to get over them? A bit of this might let him know that it could be fun!
(and a carrot at the end!)

Redsmom said...

I was glad Dude didn't pop over the jump and start trotting. I've jumped him before and when he doesn't run out he's great. I haven't jumped since I broke my foot, but I am hoping to do so again, soon. Dude loves to jump and he's quite nimble for 17 years old.