Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thoughts about the Vet (From DCV)

I've been thinking about the visit from the vet, and, I've decided he is okay, but I want to work on finding a vet who is more horse oriented. The thing that sticks in my mind is that I asked him, about Dude, whether he thought the teeth were interfering with the bit and the vet said, in a tone that brooked no argument, "Well, you would be in a better position to know that than I would." After that comment, I didn't bother to ask him to assess whether there might be any back problems that were causing Dude to be resistant to saddling -- it didn't seem to me that he was that "into" horses. I already know that the other vet in town does not like to work on horses. Luckily, we have Louisiana State University Vet School in Baton Rouge. Their ad in the Yellow Pages says you can get seen there with a referral from your vet, so I may look into that.


Redsmom said...

bmat85 said: Yes some vets are completely terrified of the horses!!! hence just in it for the money, other will go out of there way to help your horse and you!

Do you know the basics to saddle fitting?? You will pretty much be able to work out any problems as good as a vet unless they specialise in horses. try firmly running your fingers along his spine (sort of like a pinch) and see if he flinches anywhere. he might be sore there or extra sensitive. also see what he does if you firmly run your finger from his wither diagonally to his flank and then from the top of his flank diagonally to the bottom of his shoulder. again he will show you if he is sore or sensitive- do it on both sides and he could be sore on one side only.
If you can sit the saddle on him with nothing underneath and do up so it will just sit there. See if it sits level across the pommel to the cantle (if it doesnt it doesnt fit properly.) anyway- if its tilted one way or the other just get a saddle riser (for the front or the back of the saddle) and then see how it goes.
Once you get it leveled up put the saddle on again with nothing underneath and do it up as before. if you can get someone to lead Dude, see if he will let you put your hand between him and the saddle (Dont have the saddle done up tight in case he does freak out in case you need to quickly move your hand!!) get him to walk and see if the saddle pushes on him in any areas- you will be able to feel it if it does.

Sometimes they will press and irritate the horse because either they just dont fit the horse properly or the horse has under or over developed muscles. Have a look at him and really compare each side as detailed as you can, Being the owner your more likely to notice changes even though you mightnt know exactly what to look for.

Well Keep up the good work and im sorry this post was so long!!

Redsmom said...

Schmitterling said: article about saddle fit: